Our industry works on the Internet. All day. This in and of itself
leads to major distractions – one minute you’re conducting a keyword
analysis and the next you’re watching some YouTube video of cats, when
really, you don’t even really like cats or the whole online craze over
There’s countless resources to help with productivity, from how-to articles and tools to productivity coaches and consultants. Well,
Simply Business,
did its best to cull together those articles and tools, drawing from
some of the industry’s leading experts. You can find tools, articles,
videos, and interviews in the below interactive piece that takes you
through productivity for five different niches:
- Collaboration
- Travel
- Email
- Meetings
- Workload
I’m particularly interested in the email portion, because I am not even joking when I say I am on email all. day. everyday.
Click to Launch

Since I sift through anywhere from 200-400
relevant work
emails a day, I thought I’d take this time to ramble about email and let
you know what tools and tricks I use to make it bearable. I’m not going
to go through everything because there’s guides out there already that
are so elaborate it’d be an injustice to try and simulate it. What I will dive into instead are some quick tips that help me get through the day:
Give into Your Urges
I’m not a complete literal follower of
Inbox Zero, but I have
my own makeshift version going on. If you’re like me and are a bit too
anal retentive to allow that glaring number boldly staring at you from
the email tab to go by unnoticed, this will help you. Give into this
urge, seriously, just do it. You’ll be thinking about
checking the email that you’ll end up decreasing your productivity.
Instead, check it, but ask yourself this question immediately:
Is this urgent and in need of my immediate attention?
If it isn’t, keep it in your inbox and go back to what you were doing. If it is urgent, ask this question:
How urgent?
If it can wait an hour or two, go back to what you were doing and move
on. In almost every case, this is the category those “urgent” messages
will fall into.
This takes some self control of course, which you will get better at.
I’ve literally gone to my email, clicked the email open so it stops
showing up as new, and go back to what I was working on without even
reading it. If I really need to be in the zone, I open up a new window
and make sure I cannot see that taunting email tab.
Organization is Your Best friend
If you’re like me and get too many emails to possibly respond to,
figure out a system to stay organized. I use the search function in
like crazy, but sometimes it fails me. Thus, I’ve become
incredibly anal about folders. I use nested folders to keep track of all
my client, third party, and internal communications. I know many
people, whether followers of Inbox Zero or not, use
to keep track of emails, but I find this not detailed enough for my
purposes. It takes only a second to organize it, and having it organized
has helped me pick up emails that would have otherwise been lost
Mute the Noise
I am fortunate to work at a company that has a lot of awesome people
who are friends and love to engage and share knowledge. The downside is
that sometimes the emails can get insane. It’s not uncommon for someone
to send around an email to everyone and then every. single. person. in
the organization responds. I love how close we are, but sometimes it can
be overwhelming, especially when it’s about a topic that is relevant to
my role. So what do I do? I use the trusty “mute” feature to so the
thread doesn’t keep showing up as a “new message.” It helps my sanity
and makes sure that I still get the email for future reference. And if
for some reason I think the topic will ever be of value, I send it to my
“Learning Resources” folder for future reading.
Practice What You Preach
Ask anyone at Distilled, I am wordy in my emails. It’s a problem, but
in an effort to affect change and shorten the emails that I receive, I
try like hell to keep it to a minimum. If it needs to be long, I warn
the reader in the beginning and put a
TL:DR, or
bullet-ed summary list with actions at the beginning. I also use
bold/underlines to highlight action points or points of interest. We
always talk internally that if it starts to become paragraphs, just have
a quick call or G+ hangout, but if you are like me and prefer
everything in writing, this is a compromise that will help. It takes
practice, but in the end you learn where to be short and where a bit
more detail is needed.
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